Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do We Live in an Uncivil Society?

The word "uncivil" means "not civilized; barbarous; not civil or courteous; ill-mannered." One of its synonyms is "rude."

Does the above definition describe modern-day society? It does seem as if rudeness abounds, that's for sure. There are barbaric pirates and uncivilized terrorists in our midst.

What do we do when we encounter an ill-mannered individual? Do we wonder why he or she is acting that way?

An attorney Adam Mersereau has written a newly published Bridge-Logos book entitled, Uncivil Society. The subtitle for this book is: "Government's War Against God and the Plight of the Christian Citizen."

In this very poignant and timely book Adam deals with several timely topics, including:

  • The West's Rejection of Truth
  • The Futile Search for a Truthless Morality
  • Government and the Fall
  • The Separation of Church and State
  • Divine Limits on Government Authority
  • New Roles for Church and State
  • A New View of the Individual
  • New Definitions for Life and Marriage
  • The Plight of the Christian in a Hostile Society

Adam writes, "When the Christian learns to live in accordance with God's truth for the sake of the truth, and for no other reason, he reaches the greatest possible glory outside of heaven--greater than any victory this fallen world can offer. There is glory in standing for the truth, even when we see no cultural change for the better. There is glory in witnessing for Christ, even when our witness is met with contempt. The moment the Christian apprehends this truth is the moment his feet become most firmly planted on the rock. This is when he becomes able to take his stand, a living sacrifice, immovable, regardless of what hardships may come. This is when he joins with Christ in storing up the unseen spoils of the eternal victory Christ won on the Cross. This is the Christian's finest and dearest privilege: To render to God the heartfelt obedience that He rightfully asks. No government can extinguist such a flame.

"Western culture may change with every wind of false doctrine, but the Christian's calling will never change. Our joy is to stand firm on the side of truth--against lies, against sin, against Satan--come what may. We cannot undo the Fall, but we can, by God's grace, point others to Christ and His glory. This is not our final home. To the extent we cannot change it, we must learn to overcome it, and to teach others that if Christ is their Savior, they can overcome it, too.

"Then one awful and glorious day, when the trumpet sounds and Christ returns to gather His people, to separate the sheep from the goats, to establish His throne among men, and to make all things new--the government will be upon His shoulder."

What a glorious day that will be.

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