Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Smashing Through Death's Door

On August 12, 2010, I will be interviewing Marshall Alexander, author of Smashing Through Death's Door, a new book released by Bridge-Logos Foundation. The interview will take place on my weekly blog-radio show, "We're Talking Books."

Marshall's book is very exciting. Ray Comfort writes, "Many people have been as close to death as marshall and they have lived to tell the story, but I believe this one is different. It is different because of what happened leading up to the crash. It is different because of his amazing attitude, and more importantly, the reason for that attitude. I would love to tell you what happened, but I will leave that up to him--in the hope that this book will be more than just another life-and-death drama."

The crash to which Ray refers took place when Marshall was flying a small plane. This is how he describes the moments leading up to the crash: "You are all alone. You're in complete darkness. It is virtually silent, except for the sound of the rushing air. You have maybe ten moments and the it's over. You're just thinking about your imminent death. . . .I made the emergency call to Eugene [Oregon] tower, indicating I would be crashing in the wilderness. I asked them to tell my wife I love her. . . ."

Marshall smashed through death's door and he was forever changed. The following quotes mean a great deal to him:

  • God does not change, but He does move.
  • Do not limit God. All things are possible with Him. What man can't do, God can.
  • The sun is always shining above the storm.
  • God does not make mistakes!
  • Are the things your are living for worth Christ dying for?
  • It is not the circumstances of life that shape you; it is your response to the circumstances that shapes you.
As you can see, Marshall Alexander is a wise man, and I'm looking forward to chatting with him tomorrow.

"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4, NKJV).

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