It's threatening to storm here in northern Florida this afternoon, but we know the sun is shining above the clouds. The same thing is true when we go through the storms of life, which vary in their intensity and kind--God's love still shines; He is the light in utter darkness.
Charlotte Gray wrote, "Disasters sweep the world--war and disease, earthquake and flood and fire--but always in their wake come acts of courage and concern that astound the human heart. Light in utter darkness."
We have seen that light shining a great deal lately in the wake of the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, the tsunamis in southern Asia and Japan, the tornadoes in the Midwest and North Carolina, the uprisings in the Middle East, mass shootings in so many places, and hunger, violence, war, and inhumanity in so many parts of the world.
At such times, as Lincoln said, "the better angels of our nature" appear and endeavor to minister to those around us. Is this why these horrible things happen? So that we will remember who we are and will seek the Light that is in the utter darkness?
That marvelous Light still shines, no matter what happens in this dark world. We must seek it and reflect it, for it is the light of love.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
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