Thursday, May 8, 2008

Who Is the Most Controversial Person in Christian Circles Today?

This is an intriguing question: who is the most controversial person in Christian circles today? Certainly many men and women have held this distinction through the centuries of the Church's existence.

As regards the present time, there might be several candidates for this position. Without mentioning specific names, we could cite ministers who are getting divorced, ministers who believe in female angels, ministers who are alcoholics, ministers who are greedy, and ministers who engage in immoral behaviors of all sorts. Any names come to mind?

In recent years there have been several controversies surrounding certain key figures in Christianity, including certain televangelists who fell into disrepute due to their behaviors.

Certainly the Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Wright would be considered a controversial figure today, wouldn't he? Bear in mind, though, that the word "controversial" is not always a negative term. People can be right and still controversial. Certainly, Jesus and Paul were controversial figures, and so were people like Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, and Joan of Arc.

I'd love to know who you think is the most controversial figure in Christian circles today and why your feel he or she deserves that distinction.

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