Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Harold Hill--How to Live Like a King's Kid

I got to know Harold Hill fairly well in the early seventies, and I loved his sense of humor. He was an engineer and recovering alcoholic who found new life, hope, and blessing in the Lord Jesus Christ. God blessed Harold with many miracles.

He wrote several Christian books, including How to Live Like a King's Kid and From Goo to You by the Way of the Zoo. Like him, his books are unique and inspiring, and they often reflect the sense of humor that was Harold's hallmark.

I would like to encourage you to read How to Live Like a King's Kid. It is still published by Bridge-Logos Foundation. Take a look at some of the chapter titles in this how-to book: How to Succeed in Everything; How to Stop Drinking; How to Get Out of Quick-mud; How to Start Over; How to Stop Gambling; How to Get More for Your Money; How to Get Rid of an Aching Back; How to Fail at Witnessing; etc. Wow! It's actually 28 how-to books in one.

Here is a quote from the book that is worthy of our attention: "I've learned that one of the most important things to learn if we want to live like King's kids is to trust the King with every problem, every fault, every sin, every impossible thing in our lives. He--and He alone--can make us fit for His Kingdom. As long as we keep trying to do anything by our own willpower, keeping the glory for ourselves, we are doomed to stay in our own puny kingdom of wretchedness and defeat. But King's kids loose everything to the King, and He sets them free to enter the gates of His Kingdom of Heaven."

Remember, a King's kid is either a prince or a princess in God's royal family--a joint-heir with Jesus--a knight in the Lord's army.

I thank God that I knew Harold Hill. He showed us how to live the life of a King's kid.


Jimmy Krug said...

I always enjoyed Harold's books. I was sad to learn that he passed away.
Hopefully he went peacefully and quickly. I remember that he always referred to a Christian's home-going as "graduation."

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure he welcomed his 'graduation day.' What an amazing servant of our Father.


Thank you Lord and thank you Harold for your book.

Harold must have seemed a bit odd in those days before the charismatic 'revolution'. His faith is so inspiring, the Spirit was so strong in him.

Rest in Peace.
From one 'Un'Educated Idiot Box!

Anonymous said...

I read all of Harold's books, have some of his cassette tapes and saw him speak twice. Very inspirational and funny man...meant a lot to me in my faith walk - and still does! I spoke to his associate, Elizabeth Rogers by phone, and Harold did "graduate" peacefully in 1987. I would recommend all of his books to believers, especially those of the charismatic persuasion.

Anonymous said...

Harold's books made a profound impact on me as a young Christian who didn't know much about living for the Lord at the time. 35 years later and I find myself wanting to re-read his books and tell others to read them too.

Raul Nava said...

I am Raul, from Argentina which was very blessed by Harold´s books and I´d much appreciate to receive personal information about him as for me it is impossible to find in the web data about his biography. My email is pencomatters@gmail.com. Many thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

I am so surprised there is no obituary or any account of Harold's life and death such as what he died of and where we can visit his grave etc. Do you have any additional information for his admiring readers? Also is his wife and daughter still with us? Also I would love to buy his cassettes. He was such a inspiration and continues to be. My email address is tayzan@bellsouth.net. Thank you.

Addy said...

WOW! This book is AMAZING! If we as Christians could really get a hold of this and live life like Harold Hill did we would see change in our families our friends all our relationships. Everything would change to be God inspired instead of us driven. We must leave the me me me and truly get in position for the Lord to move thru us for his glory. I am so grateful my mom found this book and told me about it. What a blessing he was. I pray we all become passionate about what we say we believe and walk it out for the world to see. Praise God I am willing to be used by him.
As Harold always said Hallelujah!

Unknown said...

I love his books! Does anyone know how to get more info on his life ect. Please use my email Susanjesus2001@yahoo.com. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I first read How to Live Like a Kings Kid in the 70s and reread it every 10 years or so. Each time I am so inspired that it gets passed on to others and they also enjoy it.

WAG said...

In Dec 1977 I gave my heart to Jesus. I always believed in God but never had a personal relationship with Jesus until then, at age 35 yrs old. At the time I was suffering with a ruptured disc and degenerative arthritis in my spine! A friend from church passed this book to me to read! I learned so much about the power of God, that He was the same yesterday, today and forever...He still heals TODAY, so many wonderful truths about the devine nature of who God really is and what He can do, and wants to do in our lives!!! This book is such an inspiration and learning tool for new christians and a great spiritual renewing tool for any of us who need a fresh lifting of our spirit!!! Thanking God and giving Him the glory for using Harold Hill in the writing of this awesome book!!! It was great 45 years ago, still great today!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Amen